Monday, February 8, 2010

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Concept Presentation for Stakeholders

e group Hosts The Historic Garfield District - 11th St. Pedestrian Improvement Open House Meeting

The first project Open house was held to present the project scope and identify the existing conditions to the general public and was hosted by Project Manager Jason Harrington. A summary of our field research was presented and 4 large scale boards of the project area. An aerial photo on 2 boards was presented describing the project area and identifying key elements within the corridor. The third board presented included an existing typical R/W section and an inventory of the existing trees within the project limits. The fourth and last board described the major issues relating to the project with sample images of each issue in a collage format. The major issues identified were ADA access, pavement conditions and types, Crime Prevention / CPTED issues, and historical features. E group will be taking the comments received from the community input and developing a concept during future stages. A second open house will be conducted later this fall.